Crystal Migration Services - Let us convert 18 sample reports in a second, all ready to use with no manual tweaking at all. Incredible? Contact us for a live demo and try your own reports.
Slides of 10 Reports Side by Side Comparison
Conversion Demo Video
Three Conversion Samples to Download and Try
Here are four example reports that show you our high-fidelity conversions. These examples include an .rpt file, screenshots and output results in PDF format. Our competitors cannot believe how these reports are ready to work after advanced automatic conversion. But it is easy to find the truth. Just equest a free WebEx session with us to see our live demo and try your own reports.- You can open the .rdl files using Report Builder.
- The database is "Xtreme Sample Database 2005".
- The rdl format is SSRS 2008 R1
(All the sample conversion here was done using our Advanced Automatic Conversion, and no manual fix at all!)
Sample 1: Filtering.rpt - A Perfect Conversion (6 record sorting fields)
Report in Crystal Report Designer - Download this sample here
Converted rdl Exported to PDF
Sample 2: Balance Sheet.rpt - A Perfect Conversion (3 Crosstabs)
Crystal Report Exported to pdf - Download this sample here
Converted rdl, exported to PDF
Sample 3: ComplicatedForm.rpt
Complicated format or layout is not a problem. We can convert your reports precisely.
Compare the exported PDF version side-by-side - download the sample here